Documentary Workshop A
(5 weeks/ approx. 100 hrs)
Monday-Friday 9am-12pm, weekend labs
June 23 through July 25
Documentary Workshop B
(5 weeks/ approx. 100 hrs)
Monday-Friday 1pm-4pm, weekend labs
June 23 through July 25
Documentary Workshop
Take full advantage of our location in the Saul Zaentz Media Center. Resident filmmakers offer advice, consultation, and lessons on producing documentary films. This advanced course is designed for students who already have experience working with digital video. We begin by analyzing non-fiction as a film genre. Discuss the storytelling process, survey successful films, and develop an understanding of documentary film aesthetics. Students work with a high degree of self-sufficiency to conduct research, plan interviews, and shoot a 10-minute film using a full array of professional equipment. Students leave with a polished, professional piece ready for film festival submission, personal reels, and college applications. Maximum enrollment: 4
Click here to download an application. **This application is old. We had a great run, and plan to start up again some day, but we're not currently offering workshops.